Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Plastics Manufacturer Looks Into Green Opportunities

John Gravelle, president of Mar-Lee, an innovative plastics manufacturer in Leominster, MA reported in a public meeting In Worcester MA on March 12 that representatives of his company were in a Florida meeting to learn about likely plastic manufacturing that will be required by the emerging Green Revolution. With many green energy companies developing new products in New England, it is likely that there will be a need for features such as biodegradable plastic in manufactured goods.

Gravelle commented that he had sent some of his lieutenants to the conference to learn about the full gamit of futures in plastics. These representatives would then return and educate him about the likely future opportunities. The company re-invests 10% of its profits each year in new equipment, often in the context of a contract with a client that wishes to push the limits in plastics manufacturing. Examples of already existing products are the special plastic wrappers for tiny medical devices used in torn anterior-cruciate ligament surgery. The medical device delivers a timed drug dose and the plastic packaging dissolves over a period of a year or two. Wrapping such a package in very thin plastic in a standardized manufacturing process increases reliability, decreases risk, and decreases cost. Mar-Lee is embracing the Innovation Economy as a key means for achieving its next target of $50M in yearly revenues.

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